About Us

Who we are
Kennedy Cater was founded in 2006. Since then, we have worked with hundreds of companies, public sector organisations, charities and other entities helping them drive efficiencies and savings on their legal spend, ensuring at all times that they are receiving the advice of first-class legal professionals who are specialists in their required field.
The Kennedy Cater proposition was borne out of Peter’s and Tim’s observation that all companies struggle to control legal spend. Peter practised as a lawyer for 15 years prior to founding Kennedy Cater with Tim. He saw at first hand the inefficiencies prevalent within the system. Tim ran the UK division of a large multinational corporation and experienced the frustrations often felt by senior management up and down the country when interacting with lawyers. Costs were a major issue, often coming in at a much higher level than anticipated.
Our vision is to deliver quality legal solutions, drive value and efficiency while being innovative, flexible and focused.
To this end we provide, either directly or indirectly, the highest quality of expert, commercial, practical advice and assistance in respect of your legal needs.
To this end we provide, either directly or indirectly, the highest quality of expert, commercial, practical advice and assistance in respect of your legal needs.
Who we are
Kennedy Cater is comprised of a close-knit group of exceptional people all motivated to work towards achieving our client’s goals. We are former barristers, general counsels, solicitors, paralegals, procurement specialists and much more, who are passionate about ensuring our clients’ access to best lawyer at the best price. Please see ‘our team’ for further information.